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Quick Start

In this quick start, we will use Kubedoop's hive-operator as an example to show how to deploy a Hive Metastore in a Kubernetes cluster.


To start using Kubedoop, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • Install kubectl
  • Prepare a Kubernetes cluster

Install OLM

Kubedoop relies on the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) to manage Operators. If OLM is not installed in your cluster, you can install it with the following command:

curl -sL | bash -s v0.25.0

Install hive-operator

OLM manages the installation of Operators through Subscription. We can install the hive-metastore-operator by creating a Subscription:

kubectl apply -f

Verify that the operator's pod is running normally:

kubectl get pods -n operator

Create Namespace

Create a namespace for hive to deploy the hive cluster:

kubectl create ns hive

Deploy a Hive Cluster

The Hive cluster is managed by the hive-operator. We can deploy a Hive Metastore by creating a HiveCluster object:

kubectl apply -f

Access Hive Metastore

After the Hive cluster is deployed, we can access the Hive Metastore with the following command:

kubectl exec -it hive-metastore-0 -n hive -- bash

Clean Up Resources

Run the following command to clean up the hive cluster:

kubectl delete -f

Run the following command to clean up the operator:

kubectl delete -f